Spring Membership Meetings and Education Day 2018
Tuesday, March 13, 2018, 9:00 AM to Wednesday, March 14, 2018, 4:00 PM EDT
Category: Events

Spring Membership Meeting
March 13-14, 2018
Meetings and Networking Day (March 13)
Education Day (March 14)
AIRROC's Spring Membership Meeting is a two day event which includes one day for business meetings (March 13) and a day of education (March 14).
There is no registration fee for AIRROC members and AIRROC Corporate Partners. Others pay only $349.
NY transitional/non-transitional CLE credit including one ethics credit will be available to program participants. CPCU credits also available.
The Education Agenda on March 14 features the following timely topics:
The PwC Global Insurance Run-Off Survey: The Findings Learn about the results of the PwC Global run-off survey and what US respondents think about prospects for the US run-off market. This will include key objectives for run-off business and the challenges faced in achieving them along with expectations for future run-off deal activity and the types of restructuring tools that may be most widely used. The presentation will also look at how global respondents view the US market and what the key run-off trends are likely to be in other global markets in the near future.
September 11th – A Coverage Retrospective Take a look back at the insurance and reinsurance coverage issues that emerged from the tragic events of September 11, 2001. With respect to the developer of the World Trade Center, was the coordinated attack of two-planes on the WTC buildings one event or two? For the WTC’s commercial tenants whose storefronts were destroyed, did their business interruption loss continue until the unique WTC property was restored? With respect to the first responders, how was insurance (and reinsurance) coverage of their workers’ compensation claims extended by statute and what (if any) impact did that statutory amendment have on existing insurance/reinsurance contracts?
What is Cumis Counsel and When Do I Need One? A Cumis Counsel is a legal counsel chosen by the insured when the insurer has a conflict of interest. Learn about the California case that was the beginning of this concept and what insurers need to know about it.
Evaluating Risk in the E-Cigarette/ Vape Industry As the prevalence of e-cigarettes increase, we are still missing good concrete information on the long-term health risks, and the lack of regulation creates other dangers. This session will prove a status and update surrounding the state of claims and litigation and touch on the following topics:
- Industry background trends
- A review of claims including injuries and cases
- Technological advancements that may impact risk exposure
- Legal considerations to minimize risk exposure
An Ethics Duo: Ethics for In House Counsel and Ethical Implications of New DFS Rules on Cybersecurity In a two part ethics session our presenters will review the top ethical issues that in-house counsel face and how to address them as well as look at a just enacted New York regulation on Cybersecurity. Continuing education ethics credits will be available to attorneys licensed in a number of states.
- Bob Alpert | Partner, Morris Manning & Martin LLP
- Michael Goldstein | Partner, Mound Cotton Wollan & Greengrass LLP
- Andrew Hill | Head of Restructuring, North America, Zurich Legacy Solutions
- Michael Mullins | Partner, Day Pitney LLP
- Patrick Lowther | Partner, Morris Manning & Martin LLP
- Victor Nelligan | Senior Manager, PwC
- Eileen Ridley | Partner, Foley & Lardner LLP
- Barry Temkin | Partner, Mound Cotton Wollan & Greengrass LLP
- Andrew Ward | Director, PwC
- Jonathan Zelig | Counsel, Day Pitney LLP
Full Agenda HERE
Register HERE
See the latest Participant List HERE
Contact: Carolyn Fahey, [email protected], 703-730-2808